I am brand new to this forum and was, recently, diagnosed with stage 2(?) squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (never smoked and have been only an occasional and minimal social drinker). Went for 3 opinions at major hospitals in Boston and have decided to go with Dana Farber.
This diagnosis has been deeply devastating & frightening to me, partly because I've always prided myself on articulate & clear speech and enunciation--and am often asked if I'm a teacher.

The surgery will be scheduled within 2-4 weeks.
If possible, I would love to actually meet & talk with someone in the Boston area who has undergone the partial glossectomy at Dana Farber before I go under the knife so if anyone would be willing...Please respond and let's meet & learn from each other over iced tea or coffee (my treat). I've talked to numerous physicians--now I feel an urgent need to meet patients to discuss their experiences preferably within the next couple weeks before my surgery.
Many thanks, in advance, for offering and being willing to meet with me...
Esther aka StarWolf

Squamous cell carcinoma of tongue (never smoked and not HPV related) stage 4 diagnosed 8-2016; #6 trach, partial glossectomy, reconstruction. neck dissection 9-2016. 3 nodes out of 25 removed were positive for cancer--refused radiation & chemo; monitored via quarterly MRIs.