Hey all,
My wife found this site and has already found support and encouragment from this forum and I am looking to get some of the same. I have stage II/III cancer of the tongue and will be having surgery in two days to remove 1/3 of my tongue and left sided lymph. I am not to nervous anymore about the surgery but am just looking forward to getting on with treatment. I met with my Oncologist and it looks like I will have about 8 weeks of IMRT along with Chemo and Ebotrux treatment. What I do have questions about is the radiation and chemo treatments, What acan I expect to go through, How will it affect me? I am a no-nonsense kinda person so please don't sugar coat it I could really use a real world perspective on what it will be like. Thanks for your support,

Type and stage of cancer:1st - SCC left base of oral tongue non HPV, T3N1M0 hemi-glossectomy 60 node rem, radX35 carboplatnum &Erbitux X6, Peg tube, lost 55 lbs
2nd - SCC right base oral tongue, surgery, Cisplatin & Erbitux x 16
3rd - SCC right base oral tongue, surgery, hope.