Hi Merri,

I am new to this forum secondary to my father's recent diagnosis of oral cancer. Everyone is very helpful on this site and I hope to provide the same support to others.

I am a speech pathologist for a living. Because I do not know much about your husband's case specifically, I would recommend that he has a speech pathologist as part of his care team. The speech pathologist will look for and treat any signs of dysphagia (difficulty swallowing foods and liquids) and provide exercises to strengthen the oral musculature if necessary.

Sysco makes chocolate and vanilla milkshakes that are a thin to nectar thick liquid. The nectar thick liquid may be easier to swallow. These milkshakes are calorie dense. Again, please consult with your husband's doctors or speech pathologist to know which food and drink textures are safe.

Additionally, please do not give your husband peanut butter unless it is mixed well with a liquid (like a milkshake). Peanut butter is extremely difficult to swallow due to its stickiness. It also takes most people a few swallows to get all the peanut butter down, and this may result in more pain. It is most likely best to stay away from rough food textures as well right now (e.g. graham crackers, hard rolls, etc.)

Best wishes to you and your family.

- Caregiver for my father, recently diagnosed with cancer near tonsillar region; also on BOT and lymph node near neck
- Certified speech pathologist ready to provide as much help as needed after surgery