This is all he is able to get down:
Breakfast: Ensure and yogert
Lunch: soup
Snack: protein shake
Dinner: Smooth cream soup
Snack: rice pudding, or some kind of pudding.
Water, as much as possible.

He says food has zero taste, and even tastes awful. Is completely turned off to food. Water even taste horrible to him. Any food he eats he needs water to wash it down. He is only eat liquids, yogert, and soups.

He understands about the feeding tube, his doctor made that very clear. He is 6"2' and 207 lbs, and has 4 weeks more of treatment to go. He has a small spot on his tongue that is shrinking, and a 4 mm lump (lymph node) on his neck, that has shrunken down to a 3. So its obviously working!

He is very nauseous mainly I assume from Chemo. He was taking Zophran and Compazine, but the Zophran made him constipated. So now hes on Compazine and Ativan, also is trying Regaln instead of Compazine.

His doctor told him HPV of tongue is an epidemic among men in their 40's, 50's, and 60's. I hope the new generation get HPV inoculations to prevent this needles suffering.

Ironically my 77 year old Uncle was just diagnosed with Tongue based HPV cancer too.

Thank you all so much!

Merri Nanette