Welcome Desi! Christine is sharing great information for you! If possible I would go with your Mother and ask about the antibiotics and how treatment is progressing for her. If not, then call and try to talk or schedule a time to call back when her doctor might be available. One very important thing Christine drove home, keep her nourished and hydrated. And anything past that 2,500 calories is bonus points! As your body is fighting it is burning an extreme amount of calories so more is better right now! No questions for her medical team should be out of bounds for them to answer so ask away. Knowledge is power! Prayers and all my best.

SCC right side BOT/FOM; DX 1-25-06; Neck dissection/25% of tongue removed 2-17-06. Stage 2 Recurrence 7-06: IMRTX35 & 3X Cisplatin ended 10-18-06. Tumor found 03/18/13; Partial Glossectomy 03/28/13 left lateral tongue. Nov. 2014; headaches,lump on left side of throat. Radical Neck Dissection 12-17-14; Tumor into nerves/jugular; Surgery successful, IMRTX30 & 7X Erbotux. Scan 06-03-15; NED! 06-02-16; Mets to left Humerus bone and lesion on lungs-here We go again! Never, Ever Give Up!

**** PASSED AWAY 10/8/16 ****