Hello, Amanda I too am new to this site. I am sorry for what you are going through. Stay strong and remember two things: you are a strong dynamic person and there are loads of people here and everywhere who can offer you support, advice and love. Best of luck. I am rooting for you!

Matthew 44 years old
Former smoker
12/09 diag Stage IV SCC Nasopharyngeal
1/10 6 rnds cisspl/35 rad
PEG tube 6 mo
Xerostmia (permanent)/Loss of taste/smell 6 mos+
Clear PETs 2 years
Clear MRI 2 more years
12/14 HPV pos SCC left tonsil
1/14 Tonsillectomy on left + one for clr mrgns
3/14 Removal left lymph nodes
Ongoing-check ups and screening at ENT
QOL overall good. New normals, but happy to be alive and learning more everyday to overcome fear and enjoy my life and my family.