I was not your age, but your story sounds alot like mine. I was 46 when I got the ulcer on my tongue. It seemed to get a little better then come back, I was trying to eat one day and couldn't because it burned to bad. I got to the dentist that day. He sent me for a biopsy and I had sugery a week later. On the 1st vist back to the Dr., I found hard lymph nodes. I had to really agrue with the Dr. to get him to check the nodes. I'm glad I did, he went back in and removed 5, 3 were cancer. After that he said lets throw everything at this, we don't want any regrets. I had radiation and chemo. That was in 2001. Not to say you have to get radiation or chemo. every Dr. goes after the cancer a little different. I did get along Ok, and if it does return I know we did everything we could. Hope you get along good, and sorry you have to deal with it at all. My doctor told me I was very rare and he didn't ever see this unless they were old men that smoked or drank heavy for years. After coming here I have seen alot of people that were not old not men and not smokers and drinkers. I had a little talk with him about this, if that is the way oral cancer is seen someone really needs to get the message out there that it can happen to people like you! I'm from the south where most everyone asked me did you smoke or drink. Which at the time really made me mad. People here also think that if you make the choice to smoke then anything that happens to you is your own fault. Good Luck to you!