Hi everyone, so glad I've found this site! I'm a 22 year old female in Australia and was diagnosed with SCC of the left lateral side of my tongue in september, after ignoring (....!) an ulcer on my tongue for about 6 months. Initially I thought it was just aggravation from a tooth, but I had a biopsy to remove the ulcer, which came back as squamous cell. Within a week I was in Brisbane (nearest capital city to where I live) and had a CT, OPG, chest xray and MRI which found that the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. I had a tongue reconstruction and neck ressection which removed 5 levels of nodes. Results from the surgery confirmed the MRI scans that showed that the cancer hadn't spread to nerves (phew!) and essentially meant that I wouldn't be having radiation. (that was a good day in hospital smile ) I was only in hospital for a week and was very lucky to have one of the best plastic and reconstructive surgeons around- she specialises in tongue reconstructions!

3 months on I'm having monthly checkups as the doctors are unsure whether to give me radiation because of side effects and my age, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm almost at my normal speaking ability, but have lost feeling and taste on the left side of the tongue, and I've lost a fair bit of strength and sensation in my left shoulder and I'm still having nerve pain, but physio (and some very good painkillers!) are helping a lot.

I've heard conflicting reports of whether tongue cancer is rare/unheard of/common/unusual in young people, and I'm doing a lot of research to find out more. I'm completing my journalism degree and I'm keen to do an article on it, particularly from an awareness/prevention point of view, as I am a non-smoker but social drinker, and would never have thought that I'd have cancer at 22. If there's others who have been in my situation I would love to hear from you smile
This site is fantastic, I'll definately be a regular.
All the best to everyone,

Lozz, 22, Australia.- SCC of the tongue with partial spread to lymph nodes. Tongue reconstruction and neck ressection Sept, 2005.