Dear Ashley,

I am deeply saddened to hear of this terrific loss.

A young man, with an entire life ahead of him taken so is unfair.

He was fortunate to have you as his support. You couldn't have done anything differently. You did the best thing for him by being there during the scariest of times.

May you soon remember the fond memories and how Brandon lived, rather than how he died.

Please be sure to seek help for yourself, as you have been through a very traumatic experience. It's time to take care of you. Please come back for our love and support.

Love in OCF,

37 y/o fem at Dx (23 wks preg @ dx on 3/16/11)
SCC L oral tongue (no risk factors)
L partial gloss/MND 3/28/11 @ 25 wks preg
T1-2N0M0; no rads/chemo
Tonsillectomy on 8/6/12 +SCC L tonsil T2-3N1M0 (HPV-)
Treated with 35 rads/7 carbo & taxol (Rx ended 10/31/12), but many hospitalizations d/t complications from rx.
Various scans since rx ended are NED!
Part of genetic study for rare cancers @ MGH.
44 years old now...I wasn't sure I would make it! Hoping for 40 more!