Hi. I was in this forum from 2005-2008 but dropped out partly due to hubris wrongly thinking my peg tube days were over. Had near total glossectomy in Feb. 2004 w/36 rad treatments Mar-May 2004. Feeding tube inserted Feb 04 remaining until Oct 2007 when the site hemmorhaged and was removed. Fortunately, I had been thru swallow therapy and passed barium swallow test (MBS). So I went on a high calorie liquid diet (used flavorings for taste as it was still there). Was fine until 2013 when I started losing weight. Finally dx of aspiration pneumonia in Feb /2014. Tube inserted. Really took me down a notch. Had 3 EGDs in summer/fall 2014 w/GI doc who said there was an esophagus stricture - he opened to 11 CM and said I could have limited oral intake so I began having a half coffee cup of milkshake in the evening, continuing tube for basic nourishment. Last month (Sep 2015) after passing out, I was diagnosed once more w/pneumonia. I attributed this to the milkshakes I had each night and went off of them. I was not told this was the cause but what else could it be? My GI doc is going to do another EGD next month but I'm not touching anything oral without swallow therapy and more important, passing an MBS. Nearly 80 years old and nearly 12 years a survivor, taking no more chances. So very glad you are able to swallow and I am thankful for the nearly 7 years that I could. Love to know who you GI doc is because I don't think they have a clue here about such out of the box solutions. Stay well and enjoy!
