Last radiation treatment today. He brought home his mask. He going to do something creative with it. I am hoping that in a few weeks he'll be eating real food again. The radiation oncology staff have been wonderful. He brought them flowers today, and they had him ring a celebration bell and there were hugs all around. I know it seems funny, but there is some anxiety about being cut loose and not seeing our "Rad "Pack" family every morning.

Last edited by Kate12; 08-28-2015 10:52 AM.

Kate, wife of husband with
May 2015, SSCA left lateral tongue, T2N2bM0 Stage 4 , Age 58
06/01/15, L hemiglossectomy, modified L radical neck, clear margins, 2 nodes positive, no extracapsular extension. Perineural invasion on lingual nerve in tongue.

Tx completed 8/28/15, IMRT and 2 high dose cisplatin.
12/15 negative PT scan
5/16 negative PT scan
2/16 fitted with partial denture
12/16 3mm area of exposed mandible identified. Started on pentoxifylline regime
3/17 completed 40 HBO dives.