I don't have cancer & I'm sorry if that offends anyone I'm just genuinely worried about my health, I'm not expecting anyone to diagnose me or anything just wondering if anyone has had similar feelings. This is unlike anything I've ever had!
So for a while now I've been having these weird feelings of just being out of it, just not well. Spacey i guess you could call it & extremely tired (I work full time & am a single mother of a 3 year old so I didn't think much about how tired I've been). I've also had weird pressure, headaches and pulsing feelings in my head. My Dr had me get some labs done which were all normal, aside form my Thyroid levels being low. I had an ultrasound done and they saw a "lump" in my parathyroid area (they said probably just an enlarged lymph node), so they had me get more labs for my calcium levels & parathyroid levels. Everything was normal. Well the other day I noticed a bubble like "sore" under my tongue on the floor of my mouth, white-ish yellow-ish patches on my gums, my right tonsil is swollen, & the back of my throat just looks all around nasty. While I usually wouldn't get myself too worried about this kind of thing I'm just a little concerned because it looks like I should be in pain but I feel nothing at all. I probably wouldn't have even noticed any of the other stuff until I felt the little bubble on the floor of my mouth. Also today I noticed my throat is really red & I have two dark red patches on the inside of my lower jaw right below my molars & a few more little "bubbles" on the floor of my mouth. It looks even worse and I still don't feel any pain, no sore throat or scratchy feeling, just nothing. I noticed an aching feeling under my jaw and into my neck. More achey muscley type pain & not sore scratchy throat type pain. Like I said I wouldn't usually worry about this but I'm experiencing NO pain at all & it bothers me that I don't even know how long some of these sores have already been there because there was no pain to let me know they were there. It's all just bizarre and I was in tears today because it just looks so bad.. Might I add I'm a smoker, but havent smoked in the past two days because of this. I saw my doctor & he wrote me a prescription for Zithromax (which I started yesterday) & for nystatin to swish around my mouth. I honestly feel in myself that something's wrong but I was wondering if anyone has had anything like this? & if antibiotics don't work what would be my next step?