Hi Denise,
Just read your entire diagnosis and posts. I'm so glad your surgery went well! Please keep maintaining your calorie intake and keep drinking juices and protein shakes! Stay positive and believe that your tests will come out clear. Dont worry about speech, it will all come back in time. My dad was speaking SO clearly just a month after surgery. Sending prayers your way!

Father had oral cancer stage 4A. Diagnosed 17th May.
Partial glossectomy and graphing done from hand.
Radiation 30x. Chemo - cisplatin 6 rounds.
Finished chemo and radiation in Aug.
PET - Nov - recurrence and spread to liver and lungs
Chemo started - erbitrux and 5fu.
2 rounds done.
Passed away 12/23/2014 - i believe he is in a much better place now smile