Anyone had any experience with Ear Tube Placement ?
My husband is having problems with the left ear(a golf ball in the ear as he prefers) This has been going on Several months so much pressure and just plain numb feeling .. We saw a local Ent and he's finally going to place a tube after three months of him telling my husband this usually clears up on its on
My husband told him he could not wait no longer it's been a nightmare
The Ent said I'm sure it will clear up and go back to normal in six more months this could very well be true but I think he got it after my husband kept getting appointments to see him then he knew how bad he was so he's heading for a AM surgery to place the tube Monday I hope everything works out he's been trough so much this year .. My husband is not one to see a DR. Or make any appointment
So you kinda know its bad when ask for one or brings it up.. The Ent was sure this is fluid after months of antibiotic and steroids he's ready for some relief And So am I

Just wondering if this was from the chemo even tho he just took two treatments of cisplation anyone else has/had this issue with the ear by the way he can't hear at all out of the ear I Pray no Damage has been done to the drum

Larry ... Rt tonsil / SCC.. HPV16 positive RT oropharynx tonsil) lymph nodes were 13mm left level 2 node / 16mm right level 2 node /12mm right level one node... pet scan was good except tonsil & nodes,, just got peg placed still able to eat/swallow undergoing rads) and chemo. ) 70gy rads..
2chemo.finished rads July 8/2014 CT Scan clear on 8/12 pet scan October-2014-Clear/ left ear tube placement 12-15-2014