Thanks for the insight, and setting expectations on the time things need to heal. I never thought oral surgery and trismus would be such a major detraction from my quality of life. Frankly, I'm much less worried about the actual cancer at this point! I'm glad to hear HBO was effective. Do you think it's OK t do HBO while my radiation sessions are still going. I could use some mouth healing.


Oropharyngeal SCC, HPV-based, tonsil, tongue, and throat.
Stage IVa
Trismus, neglected dental health
Age: 64, smoker aged 16-32 yr.
Diagnosed: 01/2014 (personally suspected well before that)
Self-treat (Cancell + mushrooms): 2/2014
Mexican clinic (Alternative): 6/2014
Will begin conventional treatment soon, mostly IMRT radiotherapy, with a little chemotherapy (cisplatin) in sessions 1, 22, possibly 43.