Hi and welcome. There's not a great deal of value in looking back at the cause, any thoughts of guilt or regret are just a burden you don't need for the journey ahead.

There are all sorts of alternative therapies and activities that can compliment your treatment and support your recovery. Just don't let them interfere with the proven scientific treatment methods. You'll be surprised how many of your friends will send you links about miracle cures. Naturopathy is fine for a support role but I'd be very alarmed if they recommended you ditch the traditional treatment and live on pumpkin seeds, as one tried to do with me.

Cheers, Dave (OzMojo)
19Feb2014 Diagnosed T2N2bM0 P16+ve SCC Tonsil.
31Mar2014 2 Cisplatin, 70gy over 7 weeks (completed 16May2014)
11August2014 PET/CT clear.
17July2019 5 years NED.