Hello to all of you. First let me say after spending a month on here just reading I am in awe of the support you give each other. You are all truly amazing people.

My post is somewhat of a venting session since nothing has been diagnosed yet but I am scared and nervous. In July I got my first left-sided sore throat. Not a typical one like we are all used to but a deeper pain, like its in between my tonsil and inner ear. Went away within a few days. Came right back. Went away. Came right back. This has been going on until about a month ago when it was worse and hasn't left. At this time I also started feeling like I couldn't get the lump in my throat swallowed. Feels like something is touching the back of my tongue. Decided at that time to actually use a flashlight and not my phone. My left tonsil is bigger and has almost red streak like things in it like it is bleeding on the inside and underneath it there is tissue that is connected to my arch that appears to be going down my throat. Called and made appointment with ENT who couldn't see me until November 14.

Called regular doctor who saw me two days ago because the ear pain has been progressing and I have a marble size hard lump in the side of my neck just below ear. She gave me an antibiotic but said she doesn't know what it is. She said the tissue under the tonsil actually goes down the back of my throat but she couldn't tell how far because of my gag reflex. She said she wanted to get blood work started so I could have it for the ENT and also so we would know whether it was an infection from WBC. She ordered CBC, BMP, lipids, C-reactive protein and LDH to get a better idea of what the swollen lymph node could be. Oh and a cholesterol at my request. She said she would call and let me know the results. Office called today to tell me that my results are in but the doctor would like to see me to discuss them. The earliest appointment they have is for Monday frown I was crying and told her nurse that I can't wait until Monday could she at least give me the results of the LDH and C-reactive protein since that was for the lymph node. All she kept saying was that the doctor would like to see me and all she could tell me was that my cholesterol was high. After pleading she put me on hold to talk to the doctor and came back and all she would give me is my cholesterol. Now I have to wait all weekend in panic mode. Why do doctors do this? Has anyone ever been told they can't have results and everything be normal when they went in to talk to the physician?

Ps. I am a female 37..will be 38 on Tuesday and I smoke and have also been diagnosed with HPV 18 and 16 about 6 years ago. I have started Chantix to quit smoking as I never want to put myself through this stress again. I wish I had never started frown