Hi David. Christine is on the money here, I won't repeat her good advice.

Both my PET/CTs were of my head down to my thighs. I didn't think they did PETs of just the head. And if they were looking at your chest and abdomen why do a PET of your head? The radioactive glucose goes right through you, so I would imagine they would scan the whole body? Maybe others can suggest what happened there.

The PET that showed my tonsil tumour and lymph nodes showed up like a Christmas tree. A blind bat wouldn't have missed them. And while they were at it I know they had a good look at something on my spleen, but concluded it was benign.

An ENT will sort you out. Hope its nothing serious. Good luck with the Seminoma.

Cheers, Dave (OzMojo)
19Feb2014 Diagnosed T2N2bM0 P16+ve SCC Tonsil.
31Mar2014 2 Cisplatin, 70gy over 7 weeks (completed 16May2014)
11August2014 PET/CT clear.
17July2019 5 years NED.