Thank you. I was feeling as though I may be biased, as it is my husband, or unjustified in my feeling of urgency. His is active duty army so we have certain 'standard operating procedures' to follow. Our first stop, the one that is 3 wks away, is BAMC in San Antonio. MD Anderson has been brought up and I intend on pushing for there. I just lost my Dad to prostate cancer 6 wks ago and it was MD Anderson that got him over 6 more years than he should have had. I am thinking of going to see the patient advocate here to address this 3 plus wk wait and trying to get him in sooner. According to the Army's own access to care standards he should be seen within 7 days. I just feel so blasted overwhelmed right now and despite the fact I have held together so far, between losing my Dad and now hubby's dx, well, he's more worried about me right now. Sigh. So, I guess first thing Monday I will be in the patient advocate office. Thank you! I think this forum may well be the 'glue' i need to keep it together for the kids and my husband. (Oh, he's not a smoker!)

Husband tongue cancer 7/01/14 (forward/right half of tongue)
43 years old at diagnosis
Partial glossectomy/node removal 7/31/14
PEG tube placed
2 mos high dose radiation
2 treatments cisplatin, 3rd was cxld due to hearing issues
cancer in both lungs, stage 4, 05/18/15
chemo port to be placed on 05/21/15
Full scan on 05/21/15
Chemo, 3-4 types (names etc coming soon) for 7 mos
4th type depends on clinical trial and if placebo or not
He is planning to defy all odds and kick this cancer!