When is it time to put your loved one in a home? My father, will be 65 on Friday, is horribly difficult. He refuses to do things he knows he has to do. He attempts to do things he cannot do. He chose to live with my brother, who is a single guy and works 12 hour days. My father fell yesterday and tried to hide it. He was admitted to the hospital last night with an infected feeding tube. My father cannot care for himself. My brother cannot and does not want to care for him. Is it time to demand he be put in a home where he can get the proper care? He will not come with me because I live too far away and have too many kids. Not really valid in my opinion but I cannot force him to let me take care of him.

daughter of George:
stage IV squamous cell
diagnosed 12/18/13
double bypass 4/25/14
mandiblectomy 6/13/14
released from hospital 6/25/14 to return 6/27/14
radiation to start 8/25/14; only had one treatment
currently in a nursing home
Passed away Dec 25, 2014