My mom's RO also did not emphasize the lack of taste. I had read everything there was to read on the subject of radiation while waiting for the biopsy results so I prepared her for that, and knew it would be an adjustment because she was a massive foodie before getting sick.

However, the first "official" mention of the taste issue was on rad 9 when her radiology tech (who rocks hard) asked if she could still taste anything.

She said, "so far, so good."

He said, "not for long"

She lost salt that night between lunch and dinner.

Fortunately I had prepared her for it. But it worries me sometime what doctors downplay.

Caregiver to mom Chris, symptoms started 12/18/13. Biopsy 1/18/14, Diagnosed t2n2 2/3 2014. 3x Carboplatin and Taxotere finished 4/21/14. Chemo/Rads 8 erbitux 36 rads began 5/12/2014. End 6/20/2014. Pnuemonia 6/23/2014. 1 month in hospital 3 in rehab. PEt NED 11/8/2014, T3 recurrence DX 3/4/2015. Hemiglossectomy/mandiblectomy 4/27/2015. 30 rads end 07/24/2015. 4 years NED.