my husband has received 3 doses of Erbitux and undergone 6 sessions of radiation therapy. I know fatigue is normal but when is it too much. I voiced my concern to the nursing staff at the chemo clinic, but they just said fatigue is normal. He is basically this side of a coma. He is arousable, but would continue to sleep if I let him. He will shower himself, but didn't have enough energy to shave. His blood work was good. don't know if this is depression, or brought on by the chemo/radiation shcedule. Also, he asked today what type of cancer he had..... I realize he may get chemo brain, but we have basically just started treatment. He doesn't want me to say anything to the doctors because he doesn't want them to hold or stop his treatment. His response.... well when I wake up I will be all better! Help!!!

Husband: HPV16+ SCC base of tongue 2 nodes+
7 Erbitux doses, 70 gry completed June 9,2014. Now we wait!