T, I so understand your panic! Cancer is real for us, not an abstraction. I know it's easy to say and hard to do, but take a deep breath and gIve all the possiblities equal play. It could be a swollen node from a cold or sinus infection or plain old scar tissue, to name just two.

Justifying optimism: You were checked out just a month ago. You've been examined regularly. Your treatment was comprehensive -- surgery, chemo, rads -- you fired all the bullets and then threw the gun at it. You were treated at a top facility. And your HPV+ variety of tonsil cancer has proven highly responsive to exactly the regimen you followed.

Of course you need to have this bump checked out, but the odds are very much in your favor. My thoughts are with you, praying for good news --


T3N2aM0 HPV+
5/26/13 discovered painless superball-sized lymph node in neck
6/26/13 DX SCC R palatine tonsil
7/16/13 TORS tonsillectomy & selective ND, mets to 2 nodes
9/3/13 Cisplatin and rads begin, tolerated 1.5 of 3 planned chemo doses
10/16/13 Treatment ends
Dec 13 Ulcer appears at surgery site
Jan 17 Biopsy -- no cancer!
Feb 17 CT/PET Scan lights up tonsil bed & nasal cavity, docs say probably inflammation, don't panic, rescan when ulcer subsides