I know no one has a crystal ball to predict the future. I just need some incite & reality. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV oral cancer/positive lymph nodes 3 years ago. Surgery and rad/chemo. Then diagnosed with lung mets - both lungs. Radiation. Then again a couple months later, more lung mets and more radiation. What am I looking at for our future here? I suspect this is considered terminal, but what kind of time do we have to cram what we want into? Guesses welcome. I just don't have any idea.

Hubby age 65 -dx 6/11 SCC T4aN2bMX-floor of mouth
8/11 surgery- radical neck dissection, partial mandibulectomy, flap reconstruction
plan: radiation (300 rads x5d/w x 6), chemo (5FU, Taxol, Hydroxyurea) x 6
3/13 bilateral lung mets confirmed on biopsy - radiation
5/13 - no new lesions seen on CT, some size decrease in old lesions; 6 mm mediastinal node
9/13 New 12mm x 9 mm RLL lesion - radiation
1/14 - Prominent mediastinal lymph nodeS
1-2 PPDx40y smoker - SEVERE emphysema