I had swallow therapy as well. I "failed" my exit test but it was too expensive to go another round. I remember one day saying to myself "if it never gets better than this, what are you going to do?" So I tested the waters and made a mental note of what I could not eat at all, what I could eat with no problem and what was doable with a lot of "work". I still venture a bit often with unpleasant result but every now and then I find a new favorite. My swallowing HAS gotten better so be encouraged!

Before cancer my #1, go to, favorite food was pecan pie. I might be able to fight through a piece now but the flavor is just gone. Not worth the effort. I did mourn that some but decided to go find a new #1. Don't give up. Celebrate every single step forward you take.

Good luck!

Dx March 2011 via FNA (49 yrs old)
HPV+ exact strain unknown
Stage IVa T3N2cM0
Cisplatin x 3, IMRT x 40 (7267 cGy)
One node removed post-treatment (rad dmg)
Clean PET 10/28/11
Swallow therapy