Count your blessings for sure. Just the use of Tylenol is incredible and shows determination. At this stage I was using 20 mg Oxycodone every 3 hours. Others will testify to much stronger meds than mine. Also I could not drink Ensure at this point. Water and a milkshake every 2 days was it by mouth. So tell Tim good job and stay patient through some tough days. Keep hydration up.

Age 55 HPV 16+ SCC, BOT 050613 Stage IV
great team at OSU
Tx 6 weeks of rad started June 3
8 weeks of chemo started May 28
RTOG Phase III trial Cetuximab group.
Treatment completed 7/16/2013
PET Scan completed 10/08/13
Results discussed 10/11/13
NED - Free but am I
Next part of the journey?
1year PET 10/24/14 NED
Good reports now 10 years out.