Welcome! I too just had surgery to remove a tumor from my tongue. Please don't take it personally that your daughter is not very conversational right now. She has a lot on her mind right now and if she is like me....she is VERY tired and it is difficult to speak. Give her a little space to reflect on all she has just gone through. The surgery is rough. She will improved each day and should be ready to talk after a few weeks. Be patient with her.

48 yo female, quit smoking 4yrs ago, light drinker, Stage 2 SCC, Bx3, Dx 8/22/13, surgery 9/11/13. Partial glossectomy, bilateral neck dissection levels 1-4. Tongue reconstruction with flap from forearm. 87 Lymph nodes CLEAR. Tongue margins good at 1 cm. No further treatment planned. Monthly monitoring planned for upcoming year then periodic monitoring for next 4