I think that what everyone who is not a cancer patient needs to get from these many discussions about symptoms are two things. The posters here are patients, survivors, or caregivers. We have varied experiences under our belts, but we are NOT doctors, we are not diagnosticians. You can certainly read these forums since they are public, and you can learn about the many symptoms we have all had, finds and misses by our doctors, and so much more. Bottom line what you can't get here is a medical diagnosis.

Said with respect to Portland. Clearly something is wrong with you to be having symptoms. Is it cancer? No one here knows. You have asked for advice on what to do, and people here have generously listened and offered you advice. But more than that what do you expect them to do for you? I mean you have 53 posts now in one month. That is almost two a day every day. I get that this is emotionally hard for you, but we can't be your emotional support group.

As someone who had his cancer missed by my dentists and doctors, I get how difficult this can be. But your answers are not here on this board. They have to come by going and seeing multiple doctors until you do find out the answer to what is causing your problems. Doctors, like any profession, fall into the great, the average, and the not so great. Keep making the rounds of new doctors until you get a diagnosis.

But to continue on here is fruitless. No one is unsympathetic to your situation. But you have exhausted every bit of knowledge that we as non-doctors can give you. I think you need another professional opinion. A fresh set of eyes looking at your problem, perhaps additional biopsies. But that is all going to happen out there in your world, not here on these boards.

If you find that you indeed are one of the unlucky ones that is part of the oral cancer family, then please come back to us. But posting on here multiple times day after day, is not getting you closer to what you need. A medical diagnosis.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.