Bob, I honestly don't think I could answer this unless I was in that situation. I like to think that I could . But really think I would have to experience the emotions that go along with all of this to make a fully informed decision at the time.
In our hospital, patients near the end are put on a continuous infusion of morphine and midazolam ( an anti anxiety and amnesiac drug). Hospice uses the same formula here too .
I think that here in NZ we don't need to use a bolus or increasing amount of morphine to ease the patients end.
Of course NZ is not a litigious country.
Take care,

Caregiver/advocate to Husband Kris age 59@ diagnosis
DX Dec '10 SCC BOT T4aN2bM0 HPV+ve.Cisplatin x3 35 IMRT.
PET 6/11 clear.
R) level 2-4 neck dissection 8/1/11 to remove residual node - necrotic with NED
Feb '12 Ca back.. 3/8/12 total glossectomy/laryngectomy/bilat neck dissection/partial pharyngectomy etc. clear margins. All nodes negative for disease. PEG in.
March 2017 - 5 years disease free. Woohoo!