Hello, Mandy and welcome! I'm sure you're a bit overwhelmed with all that is going (and about to go) on, but hang in there and post as often as you like about any of your concerns or problems as they present themselves. You'll find much good usable information and many fine folks here and I truly hope all goes well with your surgery and afterwards.
I was diagnosed on Valentines' day years ago and I wish I'd had my first surgery then also, as it could've gotten all of it at one time and I'd've (?) been done with the whole...roller coaster is as good a term as any. As it is, life goes on-am constantly amazed by the strength and fortitude that I never knew were hiding in the gray matter. You'll find yours, too. Really. We're here for you, praying for you, rooting for you, knowing that you'll make it-'coz you're TOUGH! Let us know.

SCC right tonsil Dx 14 Feb 03
No surg till Apr 03
Lip resection Sep 05 "frankenface"
Recurr Apr 10
2/3 tongue removed Jun 10
Dec 10 Tumor @ nodes/larynx/cart artery growing
Erbitux Mar 11 Hyoid bone regrows!?
recur Dec 12
begin taxo chemo
10yrs-still kickin!