Thank you Charm, David and Paul, for your responses. I do appreciate it.

The report from the PET just says "increased uptake" and "intense hypermetabolic activity" but has no uptake values listed, and I did not ask. I have CD of the PET, and to me, it looks about the same as the previous cancer on the other side looked on PET. BUT, those are the ONLY 2 PETs I've looked at. :-)

Whatever the result, all will be well. I know I'm fortunate that the previous cancer was found early and that I recovered completely from the surgery.

Que sera, sera.

Happy New Year to all!

DX 8/21/08--SCC right side of tongue; Age 36,non-smoker,casual drinker
SX 9/01/08 to remove cancer & right modified neck dissection--margins good, lymph nodes clear(T2N0M0); no further treatment.