Thanks Christine! This is just what I was looking for. - although I was well warned- by all the kind folks here and my very candid RO - it continues to be beyond my expectations. I try not to pressure my wife and caretaker too much as she is focused on caring for our 2 year old and 2 month old as well as the 39 year old. Without her I am not sure how I'd be faring. Hats off to you for doing it solo....



SCC Right Pharangeal wall Stage IV HPV+
Dx 10/12/2012
Father for the second time to 2nd beautiful boy 11/2/12
Port Implanted 11/20/12 - no feeding tube
Tx - 11/26/12 35 IMRT Rads 5X/week Weekly Cisplatin
Last treatment 1/15/13
"Grind it out, I will be cured as I have too much to live for"