I just had to say something about a peg tube. What you are trying to use is called lopez valve. Usually Intervetion Radiologist puts in the tube. It stops there. But when you are back in the hospital the nurses must have put a lopez valve on for you. It's a very nice valve and works great if they would take time to show you how to use it properly. I luked out and they took the time to show me how to use the pump at night and the bolus during the day. All those functions go through the lopez valve. I would recommend you talking to a nurse in Intervention radiology before talking to your Interventional Radioloist. He or she won't know what it is. Now for cap falling off. It usually does that when you have turned the valve in the wrong position to close it off from feeding yourself. The best way to make sure it doesn't fall of is when you are looking down at the valve it looks like t as a cross. The off position is when the longest part is down and it looks like a cross. The orange cap is on the left. I have had many accidents by having not turned the valve back to that position or someone has interrupted me. I have had mine for quite awhile. I actually did it today because I wasn't paying attention. I hope this helped and if not I could be talking about something different. Take care!

10/10 IV OSCC metastatic to lymph nodes. 10/10 Peg,Port,Trech. due to rad scarring cannot swallow. 9/12 Pet clean. SCC back again 11/12. Tumor attached to jugular, Rad DX left side of neck 11/19/12. No Chemo or Rads. MRI on 1/11/13 for chronic pain w/pet scan 2/15/13.