It's very hard work Walter, we know that. Sometimes I know we would read these suggestions and say, "they have no idea how bad this is", but that is the beauty of this site...we DO know and we got through it by forcing ourselves (in my case forcing my husband!) to do it. We know you don't want to, neither did we, but this is your life and you gotta make the most of this chance. David's idea is great. The meds can help make it happen.

Kathy wife/caregiver to:
Kevin age:53
Dx 7/15/11
Non smoker, casual drinker
7/27/11 Cistplatin, taxotere,5FU 2/3week sessions, followed by IMRT 125cgy x 60 (2x daily) w/Erbitux weekly. Last rad 10/26/11. Last Erbitux 10/27/11
PEG placed 9/1/11 Removed 11/8/11
Clear PET 10/12 and 10/13 and ct in 6/14