Hello all. I'm new here, and glad to have found this site. I'm a 35 year old active male. I had a really sore tongue a few months ago that lasted a few days, kind of like a canker sore. It went away so I ignored it. The problem is that the white patch associated with the pain stayed. I also noticed slight sensitivity to tooth pastes and similar things. I finally decided that it was weird that this patch hadn't gone away so I scheduled an appointment. The doctor set me up with a biopsy. He told me he was concerned because he felt a rough part in the middle, and was pretty certain that it would come back as "pre cancerous". Of course at my age and how health conscious I have been, this kind of blew me away. I'm still cconfused I guess. Although I've been doing some reading and see now that it is affecting younger people. Ugh. Anyway, any thoughts on what the doctor said? I don't have my biopsy until Tuesday the 4th, and I've been doing pretty good at staying positive, at least outwardly, and have been staying busy. If its been here a few months, at least that I've noticed, I guess I'm worried that its not just "pre cancerous", but full fledged cancer. Any thoughts/opinions would be appreciated, and I definitely plan on sticking around and giving updates! Thanks in advance.