Hi guys. It�s been a long time that I don�t write. But I�d like you to know that I�m alive, working a lot, just came back from 3 exciting weeks at NYC.

Those days made me forget a bit about cancer, my father loss and all family issues that we�re having.

Well, I made my second MRI (HATE THAT MACHINE) on July 18, and delivered yesterday the results to the doctor. Se said everytime and to come back in three months.

I�m happy.

But at the same day I was really sad to hear about Kerri news! And wishing all luck of the world to her.

December, 2011 - T1N0M0 SSC Oral Tongue sugery (Dec 07, 2011). Partial glossectomy, primary closure. Selective Neck dissection, all 57 nodes free. 29 at diagnosis, no risk factors at all. No smoking, drinking and HPV negative. Can you explain? I can't.