This is LONDON calling we are doing well in the Olympics I cant afford a ticket but still feel the BUZZ. What a great summer to have Chemo?Radiation treatment, Euros football(soccer) the Open golf, Wimbeldon next year Andy Murray qand now the Olympics. Enough positive this chemo?rad is nasty sh*t. Only a novices advice.
NHS England all my feed is provided I got a Nebulizer it improved the Gunk and mouth smell and lets me talk 500% better than pain killers and better than mouth washes ask for a Nebulizer with sodium Chloride and hang in there, hint No2 love your PEG.I dont believe I will eat right for 2 or 3 months.But I need to stop losing weight so it bottle food and the pump for me.
cheers CB

21st March squall cells.Endescopy not oesophagus, ENT .April endo nose CAT MRI general Panendoscopy prim-HPV 16 base of left tongue one node-stage 2.23rd of May.14/5/12 9 teeth out.8/6/12 PICC inserted.11/6/12 1st Chemos 25/6/12 2nd Chemo Cisplatin5FU:27/6/12 PEG23/8/12 Radiation finished 1/9/12.