Well where do I start okay June 29 2012 I went in for a mass removal in my neck on the left side. When i came back for my post op on July 13 I received news i didn't want to hear I was diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma. Apparently I had cancer in my lymph node so they removed the infected one and the one behind that had just a little in it. From there on July 24 I had a tonsillectomy and they found that the cancer started in my left tonsil which had spread to the lymph node that was removed from the previous surgery. I don't smoke or drink but I do carry a HPV strain that this cancer likes . The doctors told me they removed almost all the cancer but to be on the safe side I will have to go through Radiation and 3 rounds of chemo. I also had to have oral surgery and had all my molars and wisdom teeth removed on my lower jaw since i had some bad cavity's. Now I m getting ready to get a feeding tube and chemo port put in next week cause come in two weeks i start my treatment for 6 weeks 5 days a week. I am scared out of my mind but ready to get this over with. i went from perfectly healthy to this over night but i am blessed that they caught it when they did and i have high expectations that i will be cancer free soon. I have a pretty good support team with my awesome husband and my family backing me and sending me prayer every day Now I just need to beat this and be a better and more stronger me