I'm new here also. I'm hoping someone can give me some insight into my issue.
First, I am undergoing extensive dental work right now. The hygienist had checked my tongue, etc. for any issues about a month ago and nothing was found. I have had a small bump I can feel with my tongue on the lingual frenulum below my front teeth. In the past it has somewhat gotten a little swollen. I could press on it and it would go down but sometimes swell again. Recently I punctured it and it bled a little and now is white in that area (I'm assuming it's healing). I'm using salt water rinses to heal the area. Does anyone know what this could be? Could it be a blocked duct? I'm hoping it MAY be something simple. I have smoked for a long time...yuk!!! Have tried to quit unsuccessfully. I don't get a fuzzy feeling w/the dentist doing my work right now, so I'd rather pursue other avenues for help. Thank you.