Hi there,

So, I am 37 years old. At 24 and 25 I had Stage I Tongue Cancer. Both times had them removed surgically and that is it. Well, 12 years later I am now Stage II, need to have part of my tongue replaced by skin from my wrist and will probably need radiation. Never smoked, drank, chewed tobacco. It is interesting because each incident has followed a period of great stress for me. I guess this is a wake up call that I need to take better care of myself. Pretty scared. Very happy to have found this board!

Stage 1 tongue carcinoma in 1999 and again in 2001, removed surgically. Stage II tongue carcinoma in 2012, surgery, neck dissection, flap from forearm, trach (removed in hospital before leaving). Finished 30 rad tx on 11/28/12.

Jessica, age 38