Thanks everyone for your support. After spending last night in the ER due to dehydration, nausea, excruciating oral and neck pain, etc., I was able to talk her into getting a tube which is scheduled to be inserted this Thursday. She hasn't been able to eat solid food for about a week and hasn't been able to drink water or Boost due to the immense pain. Lidocaine and Morophine aren't doing the magic I wish it would, and continuous weight loss is yet another huge concern I have, so I am grateful that she has agreed to go ahead with the tube. Emotionally she is breaking down due to the pain, nausea and vomiting so I as scrambling to find the right meds that work best to manage all of this unpleasantness. I see what this is doing to her, and it's kicking the hell out of me not being able to kick this things ass. Its been a long day. I just got home from spending about 15 hours at the hospital and I don't know what I accomplished. I hate this feeling.

Mom's caregvr. DDS failed to dx 01/03. Dx Stg IV SCC 05/03. Induct. chemo, IMRT, 5FU, H, Iressa, Neck disect, radiation. Dad's caregvr. Dx 01/04 Ext. Stg SCLC. Mets to liver/bone 08/04. Died 11/12/04. Mom tongue CA dx 06/13, hemiglossectomy (80% removed) 08/13. Clean margins and nodes, but PNI. 6/15/15: Tongue CA at base of remnant tongue. Declined further tx; hospice.
Died 10/13/15. What a long and difficult journey.