Venting has proven to be theraputic, so don't apolpgize for using a healing technique.

I have just come out the tunnel of recurrance, still in ICU, scheduled to move to temp. Care Faciliry, 5-24.
Surgery 5-1, again 5-3 & 5-6.
Each to recover/repair issue of preceeding surgery.
Nothing happens in isilation.

Check in after T.C.F. move.


Last edited by seattlepaul; 05-22-2012 06:41 PM. Reason: spelling

69yo male, Steam Engineer, Me=4,SCC=0, loving wife, living life as it comes (no other option)
We are all born from Mother, but live and die alone.
Make the best of it, Mommie did all she could, daddy was just a guidance councelor, the rest is ALL up to you.
...and now, 3rd occurance: Surgery 5/1/12