Perhaps because I am still so limited about what I can eat, I find myself very impatient with those who use extreme methods for weight loss. If they only knew how hard it is NOT to be able to eat whatever you would like! My sister is currently on this hcg diet where you limit yourself to 500 calories a day and put drops under your tongue. You are even limited to the type of make-up you use. I asked her if she was under a doctor's care for this, and she just said that she researched it. She has lost weight, but who wouldn't at 500 calories a day! I am all for people losing weight when they need it, but there are other methods that are far less extreme. As someone who had to be hospitalized for malnutrition after my treatments, I am totally offended by these extreme weight loss methods. Sorry, guys, I know that I am preaching to the choir here, but I just needed to vent again.

Female, nonsmoker, 70, diag. 5/09 after tongue biopsy: stage IV. Left hemi-gloss. and left selec. neck disec. 30 lymph nodes removed May 20. Over 7 weeks daily rads. with three chemo. PEG removed 12/4/09 Am eating mostly soft foods. Back to work 11/09 Retired 4/1/11. 7 clear scans! Port out 9/11. 2/13. It's back: base of tongue, very invasive
surgery involving lifestyle changes. 2/14: Now speaking w/Passey-Muir valve. Considering a swallow study. Grateful to be alive.