Kris is doing great. He is off the ventilator and breathing by himself.
His face looks normal just slighty swollen. The graft in his mouth , well, itis healthy and continues to have a good blood supply. Guess that will take a week or two to settle and look less swollen.
The surgeon told me that they sent tissue samples from where his original tumor was and there is no sign of cancer, all margins are clear. So the good news is that this was a small local reoccurrence. Guess we are still waiting for the nodes to be looked at - they did bilateral. Neck dissection too.
I am feeling much more positive.
Thought I do realize we are still at the beginning of this phase of treatment.
Love to you all,

Caregiver/advocate to Husband Kris age 59@ diagnosis
DX Dec '10 SCC BOT T4aN2bM0 HPV+ve.Cisplatin x3 35 IMRT.
PET 6/11 clear.
R) level 2-4 neck dissection 8/1/11 to remove residual node - necrotic with NED
Feb '12 Ca back.. 3/8/12 total glossectomy/laryngectomy/bilat neck dissection/partial pharyngectomy etc. clear margins. All nodes negative for disease. PEG in.
March 2017 - 5 years disease free. Woohoo!