Sounds like I have very similar to what you have. Mine also lower right molar cancer. In Jan 2011 went to dentist with loose molar and pain, said it was tooth abcess and pulled tooth. Pain still there went back multiple times with the pain. Dentist decided I needed teeth cleaning 700 dollars later still had pain and socket not healed. When I pushed on socket white puss came out. Continued in pain two more times to dentist and felt like I had food down in socket so dentist cut open the incision (2 separate times a week apart) which opening it up twice was probably not a good thing. So first noticed pain January 2011 and it took my dentist till end of April of 2011 for dentist to send me for biopsy. Finally diagnosed may 2 and may 17 I was consulting with MD Anderson.

Debra 57 y/o female,
5-2-11 dig. Scc well diff invasive gum cancer
5-17-11 consult MD Anderson
6-15-11 mandibulectomy, w/fibula free flap, rem all teeth, neck diss removal 75 nodes one side, IRMTx30, 1.2cm submucosal tumor invading tooth socket. cT4N0M0 (IVb)
1-24-12 clear CT scans to date