Thank you so much. I havnt mentioned it to any family and friends yet because I don't want to scare them. Under that mild pain spot on my tongue, it feels like a small ball-like inside. Only a few cm's. I don't know if that is supposed to be there or if it is normal or what. I don't know whats normal because I've never sat down and felt my tongue before. The ball thing doesn't hurt, just on that spot. Like when I eat acidic food, it burns and stings. What scares me the most is the numbness in my lips. It seems like right after I read about numbness as being a symptom, it happened. ...I am so grateful for your positive response and hopeful outlook. I already take meds for anxiety and depression so this has definitely torn me apart. the pain in my gums and teeth scare me also.

Last edited by tera21; 12-17-2011 02:27 AM.
