Sometimes the problem with getting these things covered has to do with the coding. Make sure the coding done in the dentist office is correct for cancer and not cosmetic. Don't know if it helps. We just had dental deny, turfing it to medical. I'm going to confirm coding with our dentist and then I'm going to medical next. On one hand, I can't complain as our insurance has covered almost everything. On the other hand - I pay dearly for 2 insurance policies and it is a necessity for head and neck radiation.
Donna - RN, BSN, COS-C

Hubby age 65 -dx 6/11 SCC T4aN2bMX-floor of mouth
8/11 surgery- radical neck dissection, partial mandibulectomy, flap reconstruction
plan: radiation (300 rads x5d/w x 6), chemo (5FU, Taxol, Hydroxyurea) x 6
3/13 bilateral lung mets confirmed on biopsy - radiation
5/13 - no new lesions seen on CT, some size decrease in old lesions; 6 mm mediastinal node
9/13 New 12mm x 9 mm RLL lesion - radiation
1/14 - Prominent mediastinal lymph nodeS
1-2 PPDx40y smoker - SEVERE emphysema