Hi Bethers, This spot is very small above the second tooth from the front. It is right on the edge of what looks like a bone that goes across my front four teeth under the gum. I have to wipe off my gums to see it and it looks like an oval, about 2 or 3 mm. It doesn't really look raised and it is not discolored...it is a few milimeters above the tooth. There is no oval isn't on the other side, but the bone goes to that same spot there.

On the next tooth, there seem to be some irregularties, but both oral surgeons saw them and said they are nothing at all to be concerned with and are in everyone's mouths.

This all started for me last December when my tongue started feeling irritated on the one side. I went to an oral surgeon and ENT and ultimately a CCC to get it looked at (and part, finally biopsied at my insistence and "for peace of mind" by the ENT-I even had to show them where to biopsy-ended up basically being nothing) and all agreed that there was nothing to worry about at that time.

At that point, I became a little obsessed and look at my mouth daily. When I see something, I look at it like 10 times a day until it is gone. This spot that I am concerned with now, I noticed a while ago. It does not really seem to be growing, but isn't going anywhere either.

The guy I have my appointment with in Philly (I know I can't share names here) is at a major cancer center, rated very high, and he has a lot of experience with cancer and oral pathology from what I understand (and has been in practice for a long time). Doing some research, I saw where he was rated the top doc in oral pathology by other doctors in the area. The nurse there said he is fantastic, so I have to assume he will either just tell me there is nothing to worry about, or will do the appropriate tests. I know he is part of the team that diagnoses and treats pathology, including cancer and has been for a long time. i just want to feel like I am being taken seriously and want to know when I walk out of there that someone with a lot f experience who is looking specifically for cancer looked at that spot and took the appropriate action. That is all I can do.

Nothing I have in my mouth looks like any pictures I have seen of cancer, but from everything I have read, it is something to be checked (this could have been there for a while without being noticed because I wasn't in the practice of wiping my gums off to look at them). It could (and hopefully is) just me being overly sensitive and careful, but I want to take charge of my health and not have something growing because I assumed it was nothing. I know from reading these boards that one doctor isn't always right.