I had a little gag reflex the first week, while getting use to talking with the obturator. It got better fairly quickly, just had to learn to talk a little slower and take time to swallow. I feel more panic when the obturator is out, kind of scary, having a hole in my mouth, and not being able to talk. I take it out the very last thing at night and put it back in the very first thing in the morning and I keep it in a dish by my bed, for the "just in case". it makes me feel kind of helpless with it out. I hope your mom will keep trying and soon it will be more comfortable. Keep us posted. Let her know we are all pulling for her.


Sharon, 57; Hard Palate; T1, High Grade, DX 6-12-09, Surgery, maxillectomy 7-14-09, 33 RT (9-2-09 to 10-19-09); Prothesis (obturator). None smoker, non drinker.