Know exactly how you feel. Have been going thru this for 14 yrs. usually I can keep my head up and plow right thru, but this time, not so good. I am getting all of these lesions in my mouth. I don't even want to go to the Doc this time. I am so tired of the surgeries and skin graphs and all I just feel like it is enough.
I wish you luck in your choices. Want you to know I will be thinking of you. I am working to get my courage back.
Take care,
Jeananne Marie

1997 Biop Tonsil TX 35 RAD Clear til 2005: Tongue cancer SCC
TX Surg. Clear til 2007 Back again- Tongue TX Surg. Clear ck up. May 3rd 2011 going for a throat prob. Hoping for an all clear.